Random bits of life

After complaining about the cold weather, it’s finally heating up (for a few days at least). I am so glad that I bought this! It makes for a cute top, too.

So, we finally made it down to San Diego to visit friends & fam the other weekend via Virgin America. I already gave it a rave review on Yelp, but this is one discount airline I want to stay in business. Mads did exceptionally well during the flight. She was a bit iffy during takeoff and landing, but that may have been due to the pressure in her little ears.

We stopped for a little play time after our arrival and before you know it we were already ordering dinner at Phil’s (I LOVE Phil’s) BBQ. If you’re ever in SD, go to Phil’s for some of the best BBQ and go early as lines are out the door and around the corner (I kid you not).

It was a lax weekend for the most part…we went to the Scripps aquarium and had a BBQ Saturday and hung out until it was time to go. Sigh.